
Hello world!

Hello World!

It’s me 🙂

If you’re reading this, the first thing I’d like to say is; thank you. Thank you for your intrigue, curiosity, and support of this incredible journey I’m on. A trip, that I hope you will take with me.

Writing has been a part of my life since I was old enough to hold a pencil. Whether it was writing poetry in elementary school or getting frustrated with having to write only “5 paragraphs” for a standardized test in middle school, or even writing “love” letters in my teens- the words that fly from my fingertips have always been what I hold most dear. To be here now, talking to you, and soon being able to share with you the creation I have worked on for so long is my greatest dream.

But this page isn’t just about the book, it’s about you, too.

Writing for me has always been about connection. About pouring my heart onto a page and hoping it would find the eyes of someone who could relate. In my life, as in everyone else’s, there have been dramatic lows and absolutely magnificent highs. The only way for me to honor those moments in all their joy, pain, enlightenment, and grief, synonymously- was to write them down.

The past few years for all of us have been those of division, confusion, of fear. But we so often don’t take the time to notice that we all went through them together. I firmly believe that no matter how hard this life gets, no matter how many different opinions flood our ears and pierce our hearts, we all have a connection to one another; we just have to be open enough to see it.

That’s where you come in. I’ll be sharing stories of my own journey to where I am now, and I’d love to hear yours as well. I want to dig deeper into what makes us who we are. What we find beautiful, perplexing, funny, sad; what makes us HUMAN. I’m willing to bet there is more that can connect us to each other than could ever divide us. I’m hungry for knowledge, for life, and for connection; so whether it’s your culture, tales of your ancestors, some quirk you have, or something unique you find so beautiful it moves you to tears- let’s talk. Whether it be through my email or any of my other social media channels, I’m here to listen; to learn. Let’s find the thread that ties us all together.

All my love,


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